Thursday, June 17, 2010

TTD#3: exercise!

Two of my colleagues did manage to train for, run (and finish!) the LA marathon last March, but, I haven't been as diligent in moving my body. My exercise only consisted of walking to and from my parked car, carting books back and forth from the library and music grad office, and occasionally going up the hill behind the library to the grad division to sign papers or get someone's signature. Knowing that this was not exactly the healthiest thing, Catherine (a fellow grad student at UCR as well as a friend from church) and I have made it a point to hike Mt, Rubidoux, a good size "bump" on the edge of Riverside, at least three times a week. We have two motivations for this: to get exercise and to get out of bed in the morning (instead of sleeping in till 10AM, since we don't have solid work/school schedules anymore). So, she's been coming over to my place to pick me up at 6:30AM, and we've been up and down the mountain by 7:45AM, and home by 8AM, ready to be productive the rest of our day. So far, its worked really well (if any of you are in the R'side area and would like to join us, just let us know; we'd be happy to have more company)!